About Freight Shipping

What is Freight?

October 5, 2022
Whether You’re Looking to Ship Cargo or Simply Play Scrabble, We Have the Answers For You! Freight is a common enough occurrence to make it a term brought up in…

How to Choose the Right Freight Carrier in 5 Simple Steps

September 27, 2022
Select the Right Carrier for Your Freight Shipping Needs in 5  Simple Steps Freight shipping can be tricky, it can be stressful, and it can be difficult to maneuver. It…

How to Ship Cross-Border Seamlessly

September 20, 2022
Ship Across the USA-Canada Border Stress-Free by Following These 7 Simple Steps If you’re looking to ship some cargo from the USA to Canada or vice versa, you’ll want to…

How to Fill out a Bill of Lading in 7 Easy Steps

September 13, 2022
Learn How to Fill out a BOL Quickly and Easily, Step by Step [Updated July 2024] The easiest way to fill out your BOL is by booking your freight with…

Before the Truck has Purred Make Sure You’re Insured

August 26, 2022
At Your One-Stop-Shop When it Comes to Shipping, You Can Now Get Additional Insurance Coverage Too! You’ve been asking for it and it’s finally here! Our instant, additional third-party insurance…

Ship it Right or Ship it Again

July 28, 2022
These 5 Tips for Safe Shipping Will Help You Avoid Reshipping Your Freight You may have heard of the phrase “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things”. With rising…

Ship Anywhere on Demand

July 20, 2022
Why Online Freight Marketplaces Such as Freightera Are the Way to Go You’re a small or medium business owner and you just need to get your cargo from point A…

Let’s Get Classy

June 29, 2022
Commonly Shipped Goods Throughout the USA and Their Shipping Class We’ve put together some data from 2022 regarding our most commonly shipped goods classes. We’ll show you what you can…

How to Ship: Oversized Cargo, Containers, and Parcels

June 8, 2022
Streamline Your Oversized, Undersized, and Container Cargo Shipping Processes by Following These 6 Tips It’s not easy to move oversized cargo. You need special permits, there are time constraints, etc.…

How to Ship: FTL Freight

May 31, 2022
If You’re Looking to Ship FTL Freight You’ll Want to Check Out These 5 Tips for a Good Experience You’re shipping freight and you’re not sure if you need a…

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Looking for a Freight Shipping Solution?

Freightera is ideal for wholesalers, manufacturers & distributors,
shipping regularly in the USA & Canada, or cross-border between the two.

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